While there is some debate as to what needs to be learned first - road rules or road signs, you will still need to learn both of them. In our opinion, it is easier to start learning the rules, this way when you get to road signs, you will already understand why there is a need for certain signs. While the PennDOT permit test does not contain a separate section on road signs, like permit tests in other states do, it still contains quite a few questions on what road signs mean and you will have to learn them well if you want to pass. To help you learn Pennsylvania road signs, we included a number of road signs questions into our PennDOT practice test.
PennDOT Permit Question
Today's practice question comes straight from the PA drivers manual. The manual contains a lot of information on Pennsylvania road signs and more practice questions you can take free of charge.
“When you see this sign, you must:”
A. Stop completely, check for pedestrians and cross traffic
B. Slow down without coming to a complete stop
C. Stop completely and wait for a green light
D. Slow down and check for traffic
As always, we urge everyone who does not know the correct answer to go ahead and look for it in the manual. Reading the official handbook is very beneficial for you, you are bound to pick up a lot of useful info while searching for the answer to this practice question.
Permit Test Answers
Answer A to the PennDOT practice permit test suggests that you need to stop completely and check for pedestrians and cross traffic before proceeding through the intersection. This coincides with what the official handbook says, but let's look at other answers before we choose the correct one.
Answer B to the PennDOT practice test suggests that you can simply slow down without coming to a complete stop. The sign in the picture is called the “STOP SIGN” not without a reason. Slowing down but not coming to a complete stop will see you cited for running a stop sign.
Answer C to the PA DMV practice test tells you that you have to stop completely and wait for a green light. This answer is true in the sense that you have to stop completely, however you do not have to wait for a green light.
Answer D to the PennDOT permit test question tells you that you just need to slow down and watch for traffic when you see this sign. Once again, this is a STOP SIGN. It requires you to stop, slowing down doesn't cut it.
Correct Answer To The PennDOT Practice Question
The correct answer to this PennDOT practice test question is A:
“When you see this sign, you must stop completely, check for pedestrians and cross traffic”
Make sure you remember this, the STOP sign does not allow you to do a “rolling stop”, it does not allow you to simply slow down and roll through the intersection. You must come to a complete stop and look out for other traffic, pedestrians and cyclists. Breaking this rule will result in a citation and a large fine.
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