Hello there, fellow drivers and “drivers soon to be”. I know it’s Christmas and most of you are probably watching TV or spending time with your family, but we found an offer you should not miss and we decided to share it with you ASAP. Today only, Driversed.com offers a special holiday discount, you can buy a drivers education course with a 40% discount and you don’t even need a drivers ed discount code - the discount is applied automatically if you sign up and pay before the end of today! Don’t miss your chance to save a few bucks today, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better drivers education discount code next year!

DriversEd.com offers drivers education courses in California, Texas, Nevada and some other states as well. Unfortunately, they do not offer drivers education in New York yet, what they are offering on the site is a “high school credit course”. It looks like they offer that program in every state where they don’t have a license to offer a real drivers education program. Not sure if there is any use in taking that course, though they seem to have NY permit practice tests those should come in handy if you are going to take your real permit test soon.
Having said that, if you live in the state where they have a licensed drivers education program (Arizona, California, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia), why shouldn’t you go ahead and take advantage of this super offer? Even if you planned on taking the course next year, why not register and pay now, while you can get this discount, and take the course later? According to the site, their programs do not expire and you can take as long as you wish to finish them.
In order to take advantage of this super offer, you don’t even need a drivers ed discount code, all you need to do is log into the website and pay before the day is over, that’s all. If something doesn’t work out, you can always contact their customer service, they have someone available 24*7 (and it does seem to work around the clock, we were able to reach someone at 10PM when we were testing their programs).
Anyway, long story short - get a discount of 40% off any drivers education course on the site before the end of today, no need to search for any driversed discount codes, everything will be taken care off automatically. Stay tuned for an update on how you can receive a drivers ed discount code for behind the wheel, we have a few ideas and will share them with you as soon as we test them out!
Update: just like we promissed, we are publishing an article on how you can obtain a drivers ed discount code for behind the wheel. Follow the link to receive 30% off your driving lessons with DriversEd.com and don't forget to share the information on twitter, facebook or google!