Car maintenance is an important part of driving, questions on basic car maintenance always appear on the California permit test and this is why we could not omit such questions from our California practice permit test. Don't stress out just yet, you are not expected to know how to build an engine from scratch, however you should know how to maintain your car on a daily basis and take care of it. You must know how to check your tire pressure, oil levels and perform other basic tasks. Today we will be looking at how low tire pressure may affect your driving ability.
Permit Test Question
Today's practice permit test question is as following:
“If your tires are not inflated to the pressure recommended by the manufacturer, it may cause:”
There are four possible answers to this sample question, make sure to select the one that answers the question most fully.
A. Low gas mileage
B. Uneven tire wear
C. Improper steering
D. All of the above
Let's go through the answers to this sample practice question to determine which one is correct.
Practice Permit Test California Answers
Answer A to the CA permit practice test suggests that low tire pressure causes low gas mileage. This sounds correct, since low tire pressure will lead to the tire being more flexible and hence more of the tire will be in contact with the road, which will increase friction. Increased friction will mean that you have to spend more energy to move the vehicle the same distance. More energy equals to more fuel.
Answer B to this permit practice test California sample quiz tells us that low tire pressure will cause uneven tire wear. This also seems to be true, if the tire is underinflated, it changes its shape and its sides touch the road. Modern tires consist of multiple layers of different rubber compounds to ensure that they are light, yet sturdy. Tire manufacturers do not cover the sides of the tire with friction-resistant compounds as those parts of the tire are not supposed to be in contact with the pavement.
Answer C to the California practice permit test implies that low tire pressure will cause improper steering. We already know that underinflated tires don't keep their shape, they can bend much easier. What does this mean for your steering? This means that when you make a corner, your tires will bend sideways more than usual and your car will “float” to the side, you will notice that you don't have proper response on the steering wheel and the car feels “sluggish”. If the tire pressure is extremely low, you may even lose the tire while cornering as the inside pressure won't be able to withstand the sideways pull.
Answer D to the practice California permit test question tells us that all of the above answers are correct.
If you want to dig into the effects of tire pressure on steering ability or find out how to check your tire pressure, make sure to check out the official California drivers manual, it has plenty of handy tips on basic car maintenance.
Correct Answer To The Sample Question
I think most of you have already guessed that D is the correct answer to this practice permit test question. If you get this question on your real California permit test, you should know that low tire pressure will result in low gas mileage, uneven tire wear and improper steering ability. Furthermore, low tire pressure affects your safety while you are driving, having a blow out while driving on a high way is not a pleasant experience that can potentially end in a disaster. Check your tire pressure frequently, especially during mid-season when there are frequent temperature fluctuation and stay safe!
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