Turn signals serve as means of communication between drivers on the road. Turn signals must be used to show intention to turn right or left or to change lanes on a multi-lane road and it saves you quite a lot of headache if you know how to use them correctly. Since the temps test in Ohio has a number of questions on communication with other drivers, we decided to go ahead and cover one of such questions in our practice temps test. Today's practice exam covers the question on how far in advance you are supposed to switch your turn signal on.
Temporary Permit Study Guide
Looking for other resources that may help you prepare for your Ohio permit test? Look no further! Just grab yourself a copy of the Ohio drivers manual that is available on the BMV website free of charge!
The book is a compilation of Ohio driving rules and regulations. In fact, it is much more extensive and contains information on car registration, licensing and other car-related matters. The great news is that your temporary license test is based on the information in this book and you can really pass the temps test just by reading the book. Of course, taking a practice temps test is a great supplement to the book, but you must always, ALWAYS start with the handbook.
Practice Temps Test Question
A. Only if there are other drivers following you
B. Just as the front of your car reaches the intersection
C. 3 to 4 seconds before you reach the intersection
D. 2 car lengths before reaching the intersection
E. At least 100 feet before the intersection
Remember, there is only one correct answer to this Ohio temporary permit test question. Think you know the right answer? Check if you are correct at the end of the page. If you not sure what the right answer is, read on for the explanation to each one of these options!
Ohio Temps Test Answers
Answer A to the practice temps test suggests that you should active your turn signals only if there are other drivers following you. This is not correct since your turn signals were designed to warn not only those drivers behind you, but those who are traveling in the opposite direction and even those who are traveling side by side with you, since most of the vehicles have turn indicators on the sides as well.
Answer B to the Ohio practice permit test question suggests that you must switch on your turn signals just as the front of your car reaches the intersection. This is definitely too late to switch the turn signals on, since it will not give anyone any time to prepare for your maneuver. Remember, the main purpose of having the turn signals is to warn other drivers of the actions you are about to take IN ADVANCE.
Answer C to the practice temps test Ohio question claims that switching the turn signals on 3-4 seconds before you reach the intersection is sufficient. Once again, the distance you may travel within 3-4 seconds will greatly depend on how fast you are traveling. While switching the turn signals on 3-4 seconds before you reach the turn does give other drivers enough time to react to your actions, the law actually sets a different requirement.
Answer D to the Ohio temps practice test question offers us to switch the turn signals on 2 car lengths before reaching the intersection. This is definitely a very short distance and won't help other drivers.
Answer E to the permit test question tells us that turn signals must be switched on at least 100 feet before the intersection.
Correct Permit Test Answer
The correct answer to this Ohio temps test question is E:
Keep in mind that this is a MINIMUM distance that is mandated by the law and you can definitely turn your signals a little earlier to communicate your intentions to other drivers. The distance may vary depending on traffic conditions around you and the speed you are traveling at. The faster you go, the earlier you need to switch your turn signals on.
Remember that turn signals are only meant to be used for indicating turns, not for saying “thank you” to other drivers or warning them about other hazards on the road. This is important because using incorrect signals may confuse other drivers and lead to a traffic accident.
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