While you should never drive at speeds greater than reasonable for the given road conditions, the state also sets speed limits of different types of roads. Questions on speed limits always appear on the official Ohio temps test and observing these speed limits is a must for every driver traveling on Ohio public roads. We included a number of sample questions on speed limits into our Ohio permit practice test to help you learn the rules of the road a little better.
Permit Practice Test Question
“The speed limit on a freeway with paved shoulders inside municipal corporations unless a lower speed is established on a sign is:”
A. 50 mph
B. 55 mph
C. 60 mph
D. 65 mph
Remember, you can only one answer to this sample question is correct. If you think you know the answer, scroll down to the end of the page to check if you are correct. Those who want an explanation: road on.
Temps Test Answers
Answer A to the Ohio permit practice test suggests that the correct answer is 50 mph. According to the current traffic law, 50 mph is the speed limit on state routes within municipal corporations outside urban districts.
Answer B to the permit practice test Ohio sample quiz offers us to use the speed limit of 55 mph. The official Ohio drivers handbook states that this is the speed limit for vehicles weighing more than 8,000 pounds and non-commercial buses. Since we are operating a regular vehicle, this rule does not apply to us.
Answer C to the practice permit test Ohio sample exam tells us that the speed limit is 60 mph. This is a speed limit on designated highways for vehicles weighing 8,000 pounds or less and commercial buses.
Answer D to the practice temps test tells us that the speed limit on freeways with paved shoulders is 65 mph. According to the Ohio drivers manual, this is correct.
Correct Answer
The correct answer to this Ohio temps test question is D: the speed limit on a freeway with paved shoulders inside municipal corporations unless a lower speed is established on a sign is 65 mph.
Remember that while you are not supposed to exceed this speed limit, you must still operate the vehicle at such speed as to not to impede the movement of traffic, except when reducing speed is necessary for safe operation. In most cases, minimum speed limits are posted on controlled-access highways.
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