Dealing with road rage is not something they teach at expensive martial arts schools, it's a skill you need to learn well before you get behind the wheel and go for your first drive. Since inexperienced drivers usually drive slower than other drivers on the road and tend to make more mistakes, they frequently become targets for road rage and this is why it is important for you to know how to deal with a potentially dangerous situations. While questions on road rage rarely come up on the Missouri permit test, we still think it's a very important skill to learn for every new drivers and that is why we have a number of questions on dealing with road rage in our Missouri permit practice test. Today we are looking at one of such questions in more details!
MO Permit Test Question
A. Try to get out of the aggressive driver’s way
B. Stare at the driver as he or she is passing you
C. Speed up as he or she is passing you
D. Block the passing lane
Remember, you can only pick one of the answers, so make sure to choose the best one there is. If you found this question too easy, make sure to check out the complete Missouri permit practice test that has more advanced questions for drivers who care to make it interesting. If you ever find a practice test question you cannot answer, make sure to look up this information in the official Missouri permit book (also known as the drivers manual).
Permit Test Answers
Answer A to this Missouri permit test question offers you to try to get our of the aggressive driver's way if you notice that someone behind you is driving aggressively. Sounds like a reasonable suggestion, you may be blocking someone's path and the other driver may be getting overly aggravated, getting out of his way should defuse the situation.
Answer B to the Missouri drivers permit test question suggests that you stare at the driver as he or she is passing you. This is not a great idea as some people may take it as a challenge. Try to ignore the aggressive driver if it is possible.
Answer C to the MO drivers permit test question tells you to speed up as the aggressive driver is passing you. Just like with the previous answer, this is not a very good idea as the other driver may consider this to be a challenge and you do not want to be involved in a high speed competition on a highway.
Answer D to the Missouri permit test question offers you to block the passing lane. By now you should have realized that you should not do anything that may aggravate the aggressive driver even more and this is exactly what you will achieve if you block the passing lane.
Correct Permit Test Answer
The correct answer to this Missouri learners permit test question is A:
There is simply no point in doing anything that may annoy or distress the other driver. Don't gesture at him, try not to make eye contact, block him way to speed alongside his vehicle. You will not achieve anything good by doing these things, but you may endanger yourself and your passengers. Let the aggressive driver pass and continue on your way.
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