Cheaper Drivers Ed For Georgia
A president of Safe America, a non-profit organization, has announced a launch of a new drivers ed program that will be provided for high school freshmen in Georgia.
At the moment, drivers education classes are not compulsory in Georgia if you are over 17 years of age. Students who want to obtain their unrestricted license before they turn 17 have to go through a Georgia drivers education class, which can either be taken at high school, a local driving school or a commercial online drivers education course provider. The drivers ed classes may vary in price, but you’re generally looking at a few hundred dollars. The price is large and since the course is not compulsory, most drivers tend to pass on it, preferring to spend the money on something else.
Being a non-profit company, Safe America may start to offer the drivers education course at a much lower price than the commercial drivers education providers, making drivers ed as available as possible.
Of course, low prices by themselves will not sway the public opinion about drivers ed classes. Safe America intends to employ teens who will be educating their fellow schoolmates about drivers education and safe driving techniques, something that may attract more interest than the regular advertising channels.