The Kumho Tire Company has recently awarded one of the first scholarships through its new safe Ohio driving program. The program was jointly run by KeyBank and the Ohio school system. The first ever award was given to a teenager named Paul Chao, for its inspirational video on safe driving created specifically for teens who are driving on their temporary Ohio drivers license.
Paul Chao was chosen by the decision of all of the sponsors, including an officer from the Ohio highway patrol. Chao is currently a senior in the Ohio school system. The second award, which still has not been given out, will also go to a student from Ohio schools. That second award will be given to a new winner when the contest resumes in January.

The scholarship contest was held in the summer, and the first prize was awarded to the student who submitted the best video that demonstrated the necessity of safety when driving. Chao’s personal video focused on the ways that teen drivers who just recently obtained their temporary Ohio drivers license can be distracted when they’re driving. The judges found Chao’s video the most compelling out of many submissions.
The Kumho tire company claims they started the contest to bring attention to the importance of driving safely. Driving safety is a serious issue among teenagers, and the Kumho Company hopes that efforts like theirs will keep more teens safe on the road.
The contest remains open to those who would like to apply for the next scholarship award. All entrants must be teenagers with a license or permit to drive. The prizes include entry into a premier driving school. The first place winner will also receive a $500 debit card and a brand new set of tires.
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