Traffic School Courses - Traffic School Programs
You might have heard about traffic school from your friends or you might have even taken one of the traffic school courses yourself. Online traffic school, in-class traffic school (may also be called in-person traffic school), traffic school courses on books and traffic school video courses - it is easy to get lost among all them. We shall try to guide you in the swarm of traffic school courses and help you select the traffic school course that suits your needs.
Why Take Traffic School
The reasons for taking a traffic school course may vary. You may want to clear your drivers license off a citation you received recently, or you may wish to reduce your insurance rates or you may even want to take just to revise your knowledge of traffic rules and road regulations. However, the most common reason for taking the course is receiving a ticket for a moving violation. In many cases the court or the state DMV (the most common name for a licensing agency) allows students to prevent the ticket from appearing on their record by taking a certified traffic school course.
Can Anyone Take Traffic School
This would actually depend on the place where you received the ticket for a violation. There are many state- and county-specific rules that may affect your eligibility for traffic school. In some states, traffic school courses may be taken by anyone who received a ticket while other states offer strictly court-ordered traffic school and you have to obtain a prior permission from the court before you can actually take the course.
How Often Do I Take Traffic School
The frequency at which you can take traffic school course varies between states and counties, but most places allow you to take a traffic school course once every 12-18 months. Note that you may receive special permission from the court to take traffic school more frequently, but you have to notify them of your prior convictions in advance.
Different Levels of Traffic School
Not all traffic school courses are the same. You have to be aware of the fact that there are different levels of traffic school courses and the level of the course that you must take is determined by the court or the DMV. For example, in California, a regular moving violation can be cleared by taking a 1-st level regular traffic school course. However, if you receive two tickets in a short period of time, you may choose to take a second level traffic school course that would allow you to mask both of those tickets. In Florida, you may get 4 hour courses, 8 hour courses and 12 hour courses. Once again, when making a choice between different types of traffic school courses, make sure you consult the court or the DMV.
Online Traffic School, Traffic School on Book or A Video, In-Class Traffic School
At the moment, there are various traffic school classes available that will satisfy everyone’s needs - internet traffic school courses, traffic school courses on video, traffic school programs as books or you may take it the good old way - go into the actual classroom and take the course in person. Each type of the traffic school program has its own advantages and downsides, so choose carefully.